About us

Real Grass was created for our own puppy Tommy, officially Mr Tommy Long.

When we were moving into our first apartment, it was finally time to welcome the dachshund we have always been dreaming of to our home. As any first time dog/puppy owner would do, we decided to get super prepared for anything our dog may need. Suddenly, the thought of catering to his toileting needs dawned upon us.

We had doggy sat friends and families’ dogs in the past and used synthetic grass toilets and pee pads. The stench from synthetic grass toilets even after prompt cleaning was not something we were willing to put ourselves through, and the environmental impact of pee pads was worrying. Not to mention most dogs simply rip them to shreds.

We are active people so we knew we would be taking him outside for most of his toileting business, but puppies pee every hour on the hour when their bladders are small. We knew it was incredibly important to get the toileting training going in the right direction as soon as we got to take him home. We also knew that if he didn’t have real grass available to naturally stimulate toileting on grass, that he may forever choose to go to the toilet on any surface, forever.

So we made a real grass dog toilet and have used it since he was 7 weeks old. Dachshunds, while still incredibly intelligent in many ways, are notorious for poor toilet training skills. In fact, they are known to hold it in even if there’s only a sprinkle of rain outside, and to also simply forget one day any type of training learnt at all.

Thanks to our real grass invention, Tommy has been nothing but a dream with his toileting habits which has made our first puppy experience so much breezier.. so much so got Tommy a brother, Cosmo!

Easy Maintenance

Simply lightly water the patch 1-2 times/ week. Replace the patch on a weekly, fortnightly, three or four week basis, dependant on your  preference and dog’s need.

Eco Friendly

Real Grass offers an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic grass patches or pee pads. Grass patches can be composted and are biodegradable.

Toilet Training Success

Improving the toilet training outcomes of your puppy. Real grass naturally stimulates toileting habits.

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